Tata Motors rolls out 1000thNexon EVRearms leadership position in the electric car segment with 62% marketshare in Q1 FY21Mumbai, August 18, 2020: !”#$%& ’”(#’ )* * #%+,-./+”0 #* Shailesh Chandra, President – Passenger VehicleBusiness, Tata Motors Ltd. said, 1Acceptance of EVs is accelerating fast, and we are seeinggrowing interest in it from all parts of the country. The rollout of the 1000thNexonEVinashorttime span, despite the challenges of Covid-19, re#ects the rising interest of personal segmentbuyers in EVs. Tata Motors will continue to innovate and develop comprehensive sustainablemobility solutions meeting global standards. EVs are the future and as the industry leader, weare committed to make them desirable and a mainstream choice for the customers.”’&20*’3#4+5# 06*’&5+#”78* ’9 * : # ” )* 0 * ; < ’ ’”.* )* &1= > ” !’ * ‘ & 8 * ”About Tata Motors?/0@ AB0@ CCD CDA0@ ((EEF0 ((F7F*607339*** #& *#”!607 *)<E8*&”) )*6G*0G**0(*)’#53* $*H?F6G7’0G”I*)< # #” I;J ( < * < 8 ’ #”
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