BOUNCEinc kicks off in India as 1000+ applicants appear for a unique recruitment event
~100 best applicants to be chosen to unleash their free spirit and join the BOUNCE Tribe~
BOUNCEinc, the global movement in fun and entertainment, is finally here. BOUNCEinc India held its unique recruiting event today. A BOUNCEinc casting call is more like an Indian Idol audition than a job interview. In a world where people are hired via monotonous interview rounds, BOUNCEinc India bucked away from the trend. The casting event was one of a kind as applicants were judged on their personality, character and fun quotient rather than just qualifications and CV.
The event saw over 1000 enthusiastic applicants flocking to the venue to battle it out in an audition kind of process called as ‘speed dates’. Teams from BOUNCEinc India & BOUNCEinc Australia collectively chose the best of the pool who will proceed for the next group discussion round. The soul of BOUNCEinc is the tribe which is selected and trained around the philosophy of inspiring movement, self-expression and human connection.